Good movies to watch on Netflix - Page 3
We have analyzed movies you can see today in Netflix and compared them with the ranking from other platforms. With this analysis, here there are the best movies to watch on Netflix.1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
41. All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
At the start of World War I, Paul Baumer (Thomas) is a young German patriot eager to fight. But when the horrors of war soon become too much to bear, and his friends are killed or seriously injured, Paul questions the sanity of fighting.
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
42. The Batman (2022)
After two years as Batman, Bruce Wayne fights crime in Gotham City with few allies. When a murderer targets the elite, Batman investigates the underworld to solve the cryptic crimes.
Genre: Action/Adventure
43. The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020)
In 1969, one of the most popular trials in the history of the United States took place, in which seven people accused of conspiring against national security were tried. This event would bring with it a series of social conflicts that would go down in posterity at a time of great changes at all levels of American people.
Genres: Drama, History, Thriller, Mystery
44. The Little Prince (2015)
A little girl moves to a new house to study at Werth Academy. She discovers her childhood and understands that she only looks good with her heart. The essential is invisible to her eyes.
Genres: Animation, Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Fantasy
45. Sense and Sensibility (1995)
Two completely different sisters: one, pure reason and common sense; the other, pure sensitivity and passion, faces love and the adversities of life. They move to the countryside and there they will have love experiences that will cause a profound change in them.
Genres: Romance, Drama, Comedy
46. Primal Fear (1996)
Martin Vail, an ambitious Chicago lawyer, is capable of accepting any case to get out of the press. One day he decides to take on one that he seems impossible to win: the defense of Aaron, a young man who is accused of the murder of the Archbishop of Chicago, after being arrested while fleeing the scene of the crime.
Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
47. As Good as It Gets (1997)
Melvin Udall, a maniac writer who suffers from an obsessive-compulsive disorder, is the most unpleasant and ungrateful being one can have as a neighbor in New York. Suddenly, one day, Melvin has to take care of a small dog even though he hates animals. The animal company will help soften his character.
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
48. Donnie Brasco (1997)
FBI agent Joe Pistone must temporarily leave his family and pose as a gangster: jeweler Donnie Brasco. However, to be accepted by the gangsters, he must demonstrate his loyalty and ability to commit crimes. His goal is to investigate the activities of the Bonnan clan… Based on a true story.
Genres: Crime, Drama
49. Black Hawk Down (2001)
October 1993. American elite soldiers are sent to Mogadiscio (Somalia) in a United Nations peace mission, but its main objective is to capture the Aidid leader and end up root with war. The mission is complicated when two Black Hawk helicopters are demolished. So the only thing that matters is to rescue the soldiers who have been trapped or have been injured in the accident.
Genres: Drama, History, Thriller, Action/Adventure
50. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I (2010)
In the film adaptation of the last book in the Harry Potter series, Harry is tasked with finding and destroying the last Horocruxes to put an end to Lord Voldemort's reign. Joined by his friends Hermione and Ron, Harry embarks on a dangerous journey through England to locate the objects containing fragments of Voldemort's soul. However, they face growing dark forces and must test their loyalties. With Dumbledore's teachings, Harry must confront his enemy and find a way to survive this final adventure.
Genres: Action/Adventure, Family
51. The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
After a medical miracle, terminally ill teenager Hazel meets Gus at a cancer support group, transforming her life. Despite her condition, she finds hope and a new outlook on life through their friendship.
Genres: Drama, Romance, Family
52. True Grit (2010)
In this film adaptation of Charles Portis' novel, 14-year-old Mattie Ross hires the experienced and alcoholic Rooster Cogburn to help her seek justice for her father's murder. Along with Texas ranger Laboeuf, they venture into Indian territory to track down Tom Chaney, who is also wanted for the murder of a senator. This is a new version of the story previously filmed in 1969 with John Wayne as the lead.
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
53. Sicario (2015)
A young FBI agent named Kate Macer is recruited by a government elite force to combat drug trafficking along the US-Mexico border. Led by Matt Graver and Alejandro, the team's mission challenges Kate's beliefs about the war on drugs and the boundaries of the law.
Genres: Crime, Mystery, Drama
54. Arrietty (2010)
A family of tiny beings, barely 10 cm. tall, live in a house hidden under the floorboards of a country mansion. A bold teenager is accidentally seen by a child who has just settled in the house because of their delicate health. Between them a great friendship arises.
Genres: Animation, Anime, Action/Adventure, Family, Fantasy
55. Ponyo (2008)
A five-year-old boy develops a relationship with Ponyo, a young goldfish princess who yearns to become a human after falling in love with him.
Genres: Animation, Anime, Family, Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Comedy
56. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
In his sixth year at Hogwarts, Harry faces turmoil in England. He is chosen as Quidditch captain but is occupied with training, exams, and girls. However, the peace is short-lived as two students are brutally attacked. Dumbledore knows that the prophecy is near, where Harry and Voldemort will confront death. The old man seeks Harry's assistance and they embark on a dangerous journey. To weaken Voldemort, Harry uses a mysterious potion book called the Half-Blood Prince.
Genres: Action/Adventure, Family
57. Saw (2004)
Adam wakes up chained to a rusty tube next to another chained person, Dr. Lawrence Gordon, they are inside a decrepit underground chamber. Neither of them knows why he is there, but they only have a few hours to untangle the complicated puzzle in which they are immersed.
Genres: Crime, Horror
58. The Imposter (2012)
In June 1994, Nicholas Barclay, a 13 -year -old Texan boy, disappeared without a trace. Three years later, surprising news is received about the case: the boy has been found in Spain and states that he has been tortured by his kidnappers. After the initial joy of the family when recovering it, an inexplicable problem is raised: how is it possible that the blond son of the Barclay has now dark hair?
Genres: Drama, Documentary
59. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998)
Rahul has just lost his wife, Tina, due to childbirth. His daughter, Anjali, and his mother is all she has left. Tina has left eight letters for her daughter to read on each of her birthday.
Genres: Comedy, Musical, Romance, Drama
60. Midnight Express (1978)
Billy Hayes, a young American, was arrested at the Istanbul airport when he was about to climb to a plane with several gunshus packages. Accused of one of the crimes considered more serious in Turkey, Billy is sentenced to four years in jail. In prison he will suffer the atrocities of a brutal and inhuman penitentiary system.
Genres: Thriller, Drama
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