Training Day (2001) Netflix UK
Every day, in the streets of the inner cities of the United States, a war is fought; a war between neighbors, drug dealers and those sworn to protect each other. This war has its victims and tormentors, and one of its most important figures is Sergeant Alonzo Harris, a 13-year-old narcotics agent whose controversial methods blur the line between legality and corruption. Jake Hoyt, a young police officer recently assigned to narcotics, begins his rounds on Alonzo's orders to learn from him.
Is Training Day on Netflix UK?
No, Training Day is not available to Netflix UK. We will update this webpge as long as it’s available in UK.
Actors: Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke, Scott Glenn
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Runtime: 122 min
Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Action/Adventure