Seinfeld (1989) Netflix UK
'Seinfeld' is the number 1 telecommedia in the history of US TV. Never has a "series about nothing" reached so much. The comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his eccentric friends (Elaine, Constance and Kramer) live in New York and spend countless moments in funny situations where the slightest excuse serves to give us a delusional episode. He broke all the audience records that were set, and even today his reruns continue to have countless followers, not in vain "Seinfeld" is a true legend of American television. "Half an hour on nothing," that's how Jerry Seinfeld defined his soap opera when he introduced it to NBC executives in the early 1990s. Against all odds, they accepted. Not for nothing was it already one of the most popular comics in the United States.
Is Seinfeld on Netflix UK?
Yes, Seinfeld is available to Netflix UK. We hope you enjoy this title watching it from UK.
Actors: Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards
Seasons : 9
Genres: Comedy, Stand up/Talk