Perfect Blue (1997) Netflix
Mima is a famous Japanese singer of a music group. Due to the failure of sales of her albums, her manager decides to remove her from the band and give her a role in a television series. Mima then falls into a deep depression that leads her to rethink her life and career, but her crisis gets worse when she discovers that her life is within anyone’s reach on the Internet and that someone is watching her. When the series begins to broadcast on television, Mima proves that fiction reproduces in her real life: dream and reality become confused to the point of questioning her own identity. The development of events and her own intuition will lead the protagonist to an absolutely unexpected outcome...
Is Perfect Blue on Netflix?
No, Perfect Blue is not available to Netflix. We will update this webpge as long as it’s available in.
Actors: Junko Iwao, Rica Matsumoto, Shinpachi Tsuji
Director: Satoshi Kon
Runtime: 81 min
Genres: Animation, Anime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller