The Young Victoria (2009) Netflix
It tells the youth of Queen Victoria of England, her rise to the throne and the legendary love story that joined Prince Alberto. In 1837, Kent victory, with only 17 years, becomes the center of a struggle for power. King Guillermo, his uncle, is about to die. Victoria, although she lives apart from the court by her mother's will, aspires to the throne, although she only has the support of her governess. After the death of his uncle, Victoria is crowned Queen of England (1837-1901).
Is The Young Victoria on Netflix?
No, The Young Victoria is not available to Netflix. We will update this webpge as long as it’s available in.
Actors: Emily Blunt, Rupert Friend, Paul Bettany
Director: Jean-Marc Vallée
Runtime: 105 min
Genres: Romance, Drama