Pan (2015) Netflix


Peter, a 12 -year -old rebel boy, has spent his whole life in a gloomy orphanage in London. During a delusional night, it is transported from the orphanage to a fantastic world of pirates, warriors and fairies never called. While living extraordinary adventures, try to discover why his mother abandoned him in the orphanage after birth. In the company of the warrior Tigrilla and his new friend Captain Garfio, Peter must defeat the relentless pirate Barbanegra to save the country of never and discover his real destination: become the hero that will be known forever with the name of Peter Pan .

Is Pan on Netflix?

Yes, Pan is available to Netflix. We hope you enjoy this title watching it from.

Actors: Levi Miller, Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund

Director: Joe Wright

Runtime: 111 min

Genres: Action/Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Comedy

Filmaffinity Rating 5.0 /10 IMDB Rating 5.7 /10

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