Pitch Perfect (2012) Netflix US
Scholarship (Anna Kendrick) is one of those girls who prefers to listen to what comes out of their helmets to what someone can tell. Upon arriving at the university, it has no place in any group, but they force her to join one who would never have chosen, formed by bad girls, good girls and rare girls who only share one thing: how good they sound when they are together singing to chorus. Scholarship wants the acoustic song group to leave the traditional musical world and get to reach new and surprising harmonies. The girls decide to climb in the ruthless world of singing a university cappella. His attempt can end up being the best they have done, or perhaps their greatest madness. It is probably a mixture of both.
Is Pitch Perfect on Netflix US?
Yes, Pitch Perfect is available to Netflix US. We hope you enjoy this title watching it from US.
Actors: Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wilson
Director: Jason Moore
Runtime: 112 min
Genres: Romance, Comedy