Charlie Wilson's War (2007) Netflix US
At the beginning of the eighties, an American congressman fond of fun, a woman from the Houston's high society staunch defender of the good causes and an agent of the cia passionate about the challenges, conspired to carry out the greatest secret operation of the history. Joanne Herring (Julia Roberts), one of the richest women of Texas and Virulenta Anticomunista, convinced Congressman Charlie Wilson (Tom Hanks) to help the Afghan Mujahideins, getting funds and weapons to expel the Soviets of Afghanistan. Charlie's fighting partner in this hard battle was the CIA Gusta Avrakotos agent (Philip Seymour Hoffman).
Is Charlie Wilson's War on Netflix US?
Yes, Charlie Wilson's War is available to Netflix US. We hope you enjoy this title watching it from US.
Actors: Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman
Director: Mike Nichols
Runtime: 102 min
Genres: Biography, Drama