Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Netflix US
Persecuted for his turbulent past, Mad Max believes that the best way to survive is to go alone for the world. However, it is dragged to be part of a group that flees through the desert in a War Rig conducted by an elite empress: furious. They escape from a citadel tyrannized by Immortan Joe, whom they have taken from something irreplaceable. Enraged, the Lord of the War mobilizes all its bands and relentlessly pursues the rebels in a "highway war" revolutions.
Is Mad Max: Fury Road on Netflix US?
No, Mad Max: Fury Road is not available to Netflix US. We will update this webpge as long as it’s available in US.
Actors: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult
Director: George Miller
Runtime: 121 min
Genres: Action/Adventure, Science fiction, Thriller, Mystery