Top movies no longer available on Netflix - Page 4
This is a ranking of the best Movies on Netflix no longer available. Don’t search more, you need to watch them on other sites.2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
61. The Truman Show (1998)
Truman Burbank is an ordinary and naive man that has lived his whole life in one of those villages where nothing ever happens. However, suddenly, strange events make him suspect that something abnormal is happening. All his friends are actors, his whole city is a set, his whole life is being filmed and broadcast as the most ambitious reality in history.
Genres: Drama, Comedy, Science fiction
62. There Will Be Blood (2007)
A story about family, greed and religion. Daniel Day-Lewis plays a wealthy magnate in a miserable city. Years later, he tries to seize a new site, he has to face preacher Eli Sunday.
Genres: Thriller, Drama
63. Shutter Island (2010)
Judicial agents Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule investigate the disappearance of a dangerous killer. They will soon discover that the center keeps many secrets and that the island hides something more dangerous than patients.
Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Drama
64. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
Benjamín Espósito is official of an Instruction Court of newly retired instruction. Obsessed by a brutal murder that occurred twenty -five years before, in 1974, he decides to write a novel about the case, of which he witnessed and protagonist. Relivating the past, the memory of a woman also comes to his memory, whom he has loved in silence during all those years.
Genres: Romance, Drama
65. Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
In the upcoming Spider-Man film, our hero is unmasked for the first time, blurring the lines between his normal life and superhero duties. Seeking help from Dr. Strange, the risks escalate, forcing him to confront his identity.
Genres: Family, Children, Science fiction, Action/Adventure
66. Inside Job (2010)
A film that exposes the shocking truth behind the 2008 economic crisis. Through intensive research and interviews it recounts the rise of a rogue industry and reveals corrosive relationships.
Genres: Crime, Documentary
67. Jurassic Park (1993)
John Hammond, a billionaire, clones dinosaurs in an attempt to create a theme park on a remote island. He invites scientists and a mathematician to evaluate the project's feasibility. However, the park's security fails to account for nature's instincts and human greed.
Genres: Action/Adventure, Science fiction, Thriller, Mystery
68. The Great Escape (1963)
World War II (1939-1945). A group of English and American officers who are imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, intend to organize an escape in which two hundred and fifty prisoners will be involved. To carry out their plan they begin to dig three tunnels.
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, History, Thriller, Mystery
69. The Word (1955)
The three sons of a devoted farmer Morten have very disparate religious beliefs. But when Mikkel's wife Inger goes into a difficult labor, all beliefs are put to the test.
Genre: Drama
70. Warrior (2011)
A Vietnam veteran leaves mixed martial arts to work in a steel foundry. He decides to train his youngest son (Tom Hardy) for a tournament. His older brother (Joel Edgerton) will also participate.
Genres: Drama, Sport, Action/Adventure
71. Virunga (2014)
a group of brave people risk their lives to save the world's last mountain gorillas. in the midst of a new
Genre: Documentary
72. 13TH (2016)
Documentary where experts, activists and politicians discuss the criminalization of African Americans.
Genres: Documentary, Crime, History
73. Pan's Labyrinth (2007)
Ofelia and her mother, Carmen, move to a small village. Her new husband, Vidal, is a cruel captain of the Francoist army. Mercedes, the housekeeper, and the doctor live in the area. One night, Ofelia discovers the ruins of a labyrinth.
Genres: Fantasy, Drama
74. No Country for Old Men (2007)
In 1980, on the Texas border near the Grande River, Llewelyn Moss, an antelope hunter, discovered gunned down men, a shipment of heroin and two million dollars in cash.
Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Mystery
75. A Beautiful Mind (2001)
A brilliant student, John Forbes Nash is a lonely boy. Thanks to his prodigious ability to decipher codes he is recruited to help U.S. in the cold war.
Genres: Drama, Biography, Romance
76. Snatch (2000)
Franky, a diamond thief, has to deliver a diamond to his boss Avi, but before doing so, he lets himself be persuaded by Boris to bet on a boxing match. But it is a trap to take the diamon from him. When Avi finds out, he hires Tony to find Franky and his lost diamond.
Genres: Comedy, Crime
77. Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
The story of a young woman with a curse that gives her the look of an old woman. Sophie decides to ask a magician Howl, who lives in a walking castle, for help.
Genres: Animation, Anime, Action/Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Drama
78. Cuba and the Cameraman (2017)
A very revealing portrait of Cuba, centered on the lives of Fidel Castro and three Cuban families.
Genre: Documentary
79. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
In the mid-1980s, Belfort was an honest young man chasing the American dream, but soon at the stock exchange agency he learned that the most important thing was not to win his customers, but to be ambitious and win a good commission. His enormous success and fortune earned him the nickname of "The Wall Street Wolf".
Genres: Biography, Comedy, Crime, Drama
80. 1917 (2019)
In the crudest of World War I, two young soldiers will have to cross enemy territory. In a race against the clock, they'll have to deliver a message that will prevent a deadly attack.
Genres: Drama, History, Action/Adventure
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